Image of Jewish wedding taking place in a crowded synagogue service.

Life Cycle


Brit Milah (Bris or Circumcision)

The ritual — in which a baby boy enters the covenant — takes place on the eighth day of life, unless it must be postponed for medical reasons. The circumcision is performed by a certified and trained mohel. During the ceremony, the boy is given a Hebrew name.

Baby Naming

A baby girl is given a Hebrew name when she is welcomed into the Jewish community during the Torah service at the synagogue. Prayers are said for the health of the baby and her relatives during the ceremony.

Bar / Bat Mitzvah (Life Cycle)

These coming of age ceremonies take place after the age of 12 for a Bat Mitzvah and 13 for a Bar Mitzvah. The child then assumes responsibility for moral behaviour and is included in ritual participation. The synagogue sanctuary and social hall and available for the services and celebrations that follow. 


Jewish weddings can take place on any day of the week except Shabbat, festivals, fast days, and the three weeks between Passover and Sh’vuot. Marriage takes place under a canopy (chuppah) and Beth Isaiah’s beautiful chuppah is available for weddings which take place in the sanctuary.


When a death occurs, the Beth Isaiah community is here for support and comfort. A member of the cemetery committee will guide the family through the funeral service, burial, and shiva with any information they may need. The synagogue provides shiva books to be used, if required, for services at home.  

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